Discover Our Awesome Favourite quotes READY TO UPLOAD interiors preformatted for KDP Journals, Low content book, Notebook, Planner … on Amazon KDP (Kindle Direct Publishing), Commercial use.This package contains:
• 6 interiors (3 black and white) and (3 colorful interiors)
• 120 pages on each interior.
• 3 Popular Size 5×8” , 6×9”, 8.5×11”.
• Works on Bleed and noBleed.
• Tested on kdp Pulishing : Quality checked on Amazon KDP so you can just publish without editing.
• It will save you lots of time.
Clean, nice and modern design.
The files were created with good resolution to ensure clear print.
Notes : Those interiors are not editable, only PDF files will be delivered after purchase.
If you are looking for editable interiors please check this section :
Wee do not receive returns after you have purchased the digital item.
These prints can be used commercial purpose and use as your book interior in print or digital form and then sell the book online. You can’t sell this item as it is to third parties like Etsy, Creative fabrica …
If you have any questions about this print, please use the “Ask a Question” button next to the price and we’ll get right back to you as soon as possible.
There are a lot of advantages to self publishing over traditional publishing, To be a successful author, it needs hard work! Self publishing requires you to have knowledge of every aspect of the publishing process, like designing, formatting, and marketing.
Platforms like Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing make self publishing accessible to everyone, but it can feel overwhelming to independent authors. What do you need to use Amazon KDP? What technical skills do we need to meet Amazon KDP requirements? How to promote our book?
Here are seven tips and tricks to hack Amazon’s self publishing platform and be a successful author.
1. Make Your Book’s Title and Description Perfect: Favourite quotes
A good Amazon book title and description are important for your book to rank well on Seo. Your book description gives readers a taste and overview of your writing skills and tells them exactly what to expect when they buy your journal or planner .
Your journal title and description should look professional. A poorly written description have huge impact on sales. Run your blurb through a grammar checker to check for mistakes and readability.
Aim for a genre-appropriate, specific set of rich keywords. Favourite quotes We’ll talk more about keywords in the next section.
Amazon will allow you to use HTML formatting on your descriptions, so get the benefit of this awesome feature. You will be able to organize your keywords.
2. Use long-tail keywords like Favourite quotes .
One of the most important aspects to getting ranked on Amazon self publishing is the seven keyword boxes. They allow you to add up to forty-nine characters. A keyword is a word or phrase that people type into the top search box on Amazon to find a specific journal or planner…
You need to focus on specific long-tail keywords. Instead of a broad, short-tail keyword, you might enter Favourite quotes (a specific long-tail keyword).
You can research these using a keyword research tool like Google Keyword Planner Tool, hire an expert in KDP categories and keywords, or simply search for them manually by yourself. Look for keywords that give you only a few results, not thousands, to beat your competition.
3. Choose Extra Categories
Amazon KDP has preset categories for books, and it’s hard to choose the best one for your work. When you upload your journal or planner interior, you can select two Amazon categories.
Your book might fit into multiple categories. You can also increase your chances of being a bestseller in a category when you choose less competitive categories.
A little secret : you can add additional categories with these simple tips : If you can call KDP customer service, KDP will allow you up to eight more categories, for a grand total of ten!
4. Purchase a High-Quality Designed Cover
The first thing that Amazon visitors see is your book’s cover. A high quality cover can make a big difference and impact your sales numbers.
There are a ton of elements that impact whether a book cover is engaging. Various classifications have different expectations. A basic cover does not take into account genre trends and expectations. A nonfiction book should not look like a kid’s activity book or vice versa.
Unless you’re an experienced graphic designer, avoid using tools offered by Amazon. Find an experienced designer who is familiar with your theme and check their portfolio.
Try to reach out to other authors for recommendations, or browse Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to find a freelance designer who works with other authors.
5. Emphasize covers and interior design.
The quickest way to a one-star review is an ugly book cover or interior. When your print book format is a mess, Amazon’s visitors will move on to the next competitor.
Don’t gloss over this step. There is a lot of software, like Canva, Photoshop, or Illustrator, that allows you to format your book and make it look professional. You can also outsource your formatting to an expert. In our case, the Favourite quotes is already formatted for KDP, so you will save a lot of time and money.
6. Adjust Prices for International Markets
When you publish a journal or planner on Amazon KDP, make sure that you adjust the price accordingly .99 : This is a marketing psychology that works on any markets.
If KDP adjusts the price automatically for other markets, You can manually change it to international prices, however. You can add a .99 to the end of each price for each currency. And keep your eyes on royalty rates. You should also monitor the pricing boundaries for 30% and 70% royalties for each currency.
7. Becoming an Affiliate for Your Own Book
Promote affiliate links for your own book and earn 70% royalties!
Use your Amazon affiliate link on social media, website links, and anywhere else you can think of. Your amazon affiliate link allows you to earn additional 4% on the selling price of your book. It seems like not much, but that additional 4% can add up quickly with enough sales. Keep in mind that you only get this income when someone buys through your affiliate Amazon link, not from Amazon’s search box.
Finally, make Amazon KDP your friend; Using tips and tricks like these can assist you in succeeding on Amazon KDP.
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